Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Madeline's 1st Birthday

Well, today is Madeline's first birthday. We're happy our little girl is growing up but a little sad at the same time. We can't believe how fast time is flying by. Here is a picture from a year ago today when the world was introduced to MGC.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Silly Photo Opp.

I Just LOVE my books!
Madeline and Madeline
Look what my tongue can do!
Silly face!
Priceless Maddie nose scrunch!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Prayer Request and Thanks

First I just wanted to say thank you not only to our family but to our wonderful friends at LUMC. You guys are always there for us and we love you all so much! Thank you for the continued prayers for employment and such. Also, I would love to ask everyone to pray for my sanity over the next few weeks. As most of you know I am going to be working 60 hr. weeks and 6 days a week (thankfully not Sundays). I already miss my Madeline during the day (even though I know she's with the best man in the world!) but it hurts me on the days that I won't even get to see her awake at all. The only silver lining is that I am off the WHOLE weekend for her birthday (thank you dana for trading with me!). We know God has a plan and we have a positive "feeling" but it's hard to go to a place that you know you're not called to be. But in an attempt to be positive..."the only way you can go from the bottom is up, up, up!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Growing Girls

So I (Adam) was messing around earlier today with our computer's movie maker software. Heather wanted me to try and make a video for Madeline's birthday so I did a test video today. We recently discovered Madeline absolutely loves "The Golden Girls" and goes crazy when the song comes on. So this video is a tribute to her love for Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sophia. Here is "The Growing Girls".