Benjamin Vance Connor, 8lbs. 6oz. born 09/12/10 at 4:29am. Our little guy decided to come 2 weeks early but we are so happy he is here! I woke up at 1230am and my water had broke but I wasnt having contractions. Llora was sweet enough to come stay the night with Madeline and Adam & I got to the hospital about 130am; by that time I was having contractions. This labor wasnt bad at all...not that it felt good but it was fast. I labored in a rocking chair, which was great. Long story short, 4 minutes after I started pushing he was here; and praise God I was able to go natural again and he is healthy as can be!
Madeline is a great big sister and she loves to name his eyes, mouth, etc. and "hold" him with our help. She also rocks him in his carseat and is very gentle with him. We are so proud of her!
Ben is a champ nurser! A nice change for me with having to pump with Madeline.
We came home on Tuesday afternoon and all has been great...except he didnt want to sleep that night. We think we figured it out though so hopefully tonight will be better.
My mom and dad got to come down and see him; it was nice that my dad actually got to see him as a newborn because Maddie was 6 months when they met. My mom helped out with Maddie while we were in the hospital and she went home Tuesday morning.
Anyway, that is the rundown of the newest little Connor...we hope you will come visit us soon!