There has been so many changes for our family over the past 5-6 months! Moving, working crazy hours, getting injured, etc. But the biggest change has been for me...I am now an assistant montessori teacher for a primary classroom. Yippee!! God is Good! I am so very excited to finally be on the path to eventually becoming a lead directress in Montessori (once I get certified) and I absolutely LOVE my new job. This job not only makes me happy while I'm there, it also allows me to actually be the wife and mother that I have longed to be. Having dinner as a family every night, tucking my children in and reading stories together, enjoying more that just car conversations with my wonderful husband; it's truly a blessing! But I know I've neglected my blog followers and for that I am sorry. But I'm refreshed now and full of lots of ideas so I can't wait to get blogging!