Monday, October 29, 2012

Extreme Trick or Treating @Northbrook Whole Foods

Today, after visiting yet another church (I liked this one but still no sure it's the right one), we headed to Whole Foods for there trick or treating event. I know some of you are thinking, at a grocery store?!? That's a hippie momma for you :-) I would venture to say that of all our weekend adventures the kids enjoyed this one the most. It was inside, so it wasn't cold, they got treats they know and love (& know mommy will let them eat), plus face painting & lunch. And , while daddy occupied the kiddos after lunch I got to grocery shop's a joy to take they kids @ times but its oh so nice to shop alone every now and then. Anyway, here's a few pictures of our fun & goodies.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Haloween's just getting started!

This year the kids will definetly get the value out of their costumes. On Thursday we went to Project Pumpkin at my building. I forgot photos but the kids had fun! Benjamin LOVED tossing the balls in the "jack-o-lantern" mouth. Madeline even was able to guess where the candy was on the cup game. She's got a good eye, lol.

Today we went to the Evanston Farmers Market as usual. However, today they had a kids section for those under 12 who came in costume. The got a goody bag with fun, non candy things plus some of the vendors gave out things like apples and they even got a pumpkin for free!

Then, come lunchtime we ventured out to Old Orchard Mall (kind of like Sandhills for my SC folks:-) they had a TON of things to do! They got pumpkins, made cute hand ghosts, had a picture drawn of them both, got treats and stickers, and a glitter tattoo!

Tomorrow we're going to Whole Foods after church and who knows what is the plan for the 31st! But hey, it's free fun:-)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Parenting with Grace

Last night I attended one of the Parents meetings at my kids school, Glenview Montessori. They host a meeting about once a month on various topics such as Montessori Ages & Stages, Montessori at the elementary level, and last nights topic: parenting with grace.
First off, I cannot sing the praises of this school enough. Not only do they have scholar options in order for a Montessori education to be available to all but the sense of community & family fostered there is more than I could have asked for. The teachers truly care about the children and can actually really get to know them because of the age/stage grouping and setup of 2-3 year old then 3-6 year old. So they have the same teacher during these forming years. It's wonderful. But, back to my point...
During this meeting the Director of Schools, Lisa, guided the conversation. I just had to share a few of the wonderful things I learned:
1. DISCIPLINE, not Punishment. The root word of Discipline is disciple: meaning to follow in love or a follower of a teacher. This resonated with me and will surely help for parents to remember when that frustration strikes. We are our children's teachers and we need to lovingly guide them.
2. Is it Safe? Is it Respectful? These are key questions for preschoolers because they know the answer and it stops the power struggle. I have actually already used this with Madeline and by asking questions we talked it out instead of having both of us get frustrated.
3. It's important to praise our children when they do well but we must also remember to help them individualize by saying things like, you look so proud? Or you seem happy with yourself? In order to help them affirm there own success. Can you imagine how important that skill is into adulthood? How many of us look to others for approval though we know we did well? I know I'm guilty of that.
We also covered potty training, night training, and talked about some great books that are definitely on my next library trip list. Pictures of a few of those will be posted below.
I hope that someone who reads this will take away even a fraction of what I did; it's all about perspective :-)

PS- Furry Logic is super cute! Great even for adults