Monday, April 13, 2009


Not much is going on with us. Madeline's first Easter went well... she enjoyed her new books and her time at the Millers. She loved being the center of attention:-) We got some cute photos ( I will post them later)! I can't believe how fast she is growing up... in a little over a week she will be 8months old! That's crazy! I love seeing her discover new things with such joy and excitement. We think she is working on cutting teeth... she sure is drooling alot:-) Plus, she is really working on crawling... I am starting to wonder if she will walk first because she has started doing baby push-ups on her toes... so cute! Well, more about our lives and little angel soon...

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, our mother's loved having her be the center of attention. They are both very ready for Hannah! They both love Madaline and are happy to be her Columbia "grandmas" :)
