Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Attention: GREAT Coupon code is here!


To use your personal gMum/Dad coupon code, add one or more everyday g's six-pack(s) to your gDiapers.com cart, enter your code and click the "redeem" button. The price will automatically drop from $70 (regular price) to $40. What a sweet deal!

This is good til' July 31 2009 PLEASE blog about it and pass it on... it will help us get free diapering products.

PS- they also sell cloth inserts for little g's now:-)

Father's day play date

Selah & Madeline playing in the pool.
Happy girls.
A serious conversation.
too cute!
Madeline would not look at me:-)

We had dinner with Jeremy, Cass and Selah on Father's Day. It was so yummy! The girls actually are old enough to play together now so it was super cute!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Teeth! (Well, almost...)

Madeline has two bottom teeth coming in! We can actually see the tops of them! She has been a champ too; I'm sure that teeth pushing through your gums can't feel all that great and she has only been a little grumpy. They are not quite in yet but I think they will be by Monday. My baby is growing up way too fast!

PS- stay tune for a GREAT gdiapers coupon code for up to 40 dollars off! PLEASE pass this on to other moms and moms-2-be as it will help Adam and I get $100 worth of free gdiaper products! It should be posted 1st part of next week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's official...

Madeline is a big girl. Over the past week she's been pulling up on things around the house, mainly up to her knees. Well all that changed this morning. I went into her room to get her and I found her standing up! At this rate she'll be walking before she has teeth.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Great use for old t-shirts...

So I got this idea from Martha Stewart Magazine and guess what?! It really works! They don't break or stretch with weight either...Plus I got to use my sewing machine which is great since I'm really trying to learn how to use it. All you do is turn the shirt inside out stitch across the bottom, cut off the sleeves at the seams and make the neck hole larger. Above is one of the finished products being used to hold Maddie's toys...

Maddie: being cute and playing with mom in my pool...

Laughing and splashing away....
I LOVE this picture!!!
"Helping" sort coupons
Resting from play

She went in the big girl potty!

Okay so today after playing with Madeline in the pool I was getting her into dry cloths and (more for silliness than anything) held her over the potty. I went "pissssss" and guess what?! She peed! I know this means nothing but I thought it was hilarious! Such a big girl!

Friday, June 12, 2009

A great website for all... (especially moms)

This site tells you the good, bad, and ugly about what we purchase. I was surprised to see some of the "healthy" and "environmental" items didn't rate as high as you would think (still higher than conventional but duh). My conclusion?
Here it is: Buy local, Buy organic

Here's to a happy, healthy family:-)

Madeline playing in her pool from Great Nannie

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lots of random thoughts...

So, since we can't have a real garden I have planted some containers of eggplant, basil, cilantro and spinach. Right now they are looking good but we will see...

Adam's Grandma Burns and Papa TC are coming down tomorrow. Adam's going to take them to the farmer's market so I am hoping for some yummy new veggies!

Madeline is continuing to grow and amaze us. She is pulling up all the time now and we are just waiting for those first steps. I can't believe my baby is going on 10 months old! Right now we are trying to work on a sippy cup but she wants nothing to do with it. If anyone has any ideas that could help that would be great!

I will leave you with this yummy recipe that we came up with:

Quinoa with zucchini, onion, garlic and chicken andouille sausage (sorry about spelling errors!)

1 cup organic quinoa
2 cups water
1 large zucchini, cubed
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 medium yellow onion, diced
2 chicken sausages, diced (most is precooked anyway)

Saute the garlic and onion with a little olive oil in a pot. Remove and cook quinoa in same pot according to directions (here's where the 2 cups of water come in). Meanwhile, cook/heat the sausage and zucchini together. Last, tossing it all together.... There you have it... a VERY yummy, quick and easy dinner with leftovers for lunch the next day!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yummy! Breakfast for Dinner!

Over the last few days we have started fixing Madeline a version of what we are having for dinner so she can start enjoying dinner with her parents. Plus, at nine months going on ten, she is getting to be such a big girl! She loves to feed herself (even though a lot of the food ends up everywhere but her mouth). Well, last night we had breakfast for dinner. Madeline LOVED her chicken apple sausage bits and cheesy grits... natural and organic of course! She's a southern girl for sure... she loved her grits:-) We had the same but with eggs from the farmer's market... and they were the freshest, most yellow/orange yolked eggs ever! I will never settle again! Of course Maddie is too young for eggs yet but she sure was eyeing them... that will be an adventure for the after 12 months. Anyway, I highly recommend the Al Fresco brand of chicken apple sausage or Applegate Farm chicken apple sausage if your looking for an alternative to pork or just want to try something different...it's so yummy!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Details of our Week so far...

Well, this week many things have happened:

Madeline: She got to play in her new pool from her Great-Nannie and she LOVES it! We have a little water-baby on our hands for sure. She also went to her first farmer's market and she is getting her 9 month photo taken sat. Next week she will start a lap reading program for those under a year old at the Lexington main branch library. I hope she enjoys it as much as she loves her bedtime stories. She is hoping to have more play-dates with Mary Alice, Hannah and Selah soon aswell! (And mommy is looking forward to the company:-)

Adam & Heather: While Adam has been doing a Bible study for some time now I have just this week really gotten back into reading my Bible EVERYDAY and one thing is for sure... God is amazing in His timing and the way He lets you read just what you need at just the right time. Adam has continued with the job search and we are praying that something new will happen. Please pray with us for this as we really need a change of income. That said God has always provided for us and continues to do so. We are so blessed and I just have to refocus myself to be reminded of that. On a different note...We went to an AWESOME farmer's market with great prices on organic produce and meats and even got free eggs and corn! (Thanks SO much for the info. Cass!) It is so wonderful to be able to find not only seasonal and fresh produce and meats but LOCAL and ORGANIC too! And when shopping organically on a budget (which can easily be done) the pricing is GREAT! I feel great feeding my family only the best just as nature was intended... fresh, organic, seasonal and yummy!