Thursday, June 4, 2009

Details of our Week so far...

Well, this week many things have happened:

Madeline: She got to play in her new pool from her Great-Nannie and she LOVES it! We have a little water-baby on our hands for sure. She also went to her first farmer's market and she is getting her 9 month photo taken sat. Next week she will start a lap reading program for those under a year old at the Lexington main branch library. I hope she enjoys it as much as she loves her bedtime stories. She is hoping to have more play-dates with Mary Alice, Hannah and Selah soon aswell! (And mommy is looking forward to the company:-)

Adam & Heather: While Adam has been doing a Bible study for some time now I have just this week really gotten back into reading my Bible EVERYDAY and one thing is for sure... God is amazing in His timing and the way He lets you read just what you need at just the right time. Adam has continued with the job search and we are praying that something new will happen. Please pray with us for this as we really need a change of income. That said God has always provided for us and continues to do so. We are so blessed and I just have to refocus myself to be reminded of that. On a different note...We went to an AWESOME farmer's market with great prices on organic produce and meats and even got free eggs and corn! (Thanks SO much for the info. Cass!) It is so wonderful to be able to find not only seasonal and fresh produce and meats but LOCAL and ORGANIC too! And when shopping organically on a budget (which can easily be done) the pricing is GREAT! I feel great feeding my family only the best just as nature was intended... fresh, organic, seasonal and yummy!


  1. Where is this farmer's market? Is this the one at the state fairgrounds?
    We are definitely still praying for you! Let us know if you need anything!

  2. I am praying for you all! We would love a playdate! I would love the company as well. Let me know what works for you, I am free after next Monday! :) Also when is the library storytime? That sounds like fun!

  3. I can just ditto all of Ali's comment and Llora's too...where is the farmer's market? I love the library thing!

    I also love the new blog layout with that great picture at the top!
